2024 Fifty-two

Starting Anew: A Journey of Rediscovery and Artistic Exploration

Life has a way of throwing surprises our way, and sometimes, these surprises lead us to unexpected new beginnings. Recently, I experienced a moment of loss that turned into an opportunity for growth. After deciding to switch servers, I discovered that all my blog posts from the last 20 years—my reflections, stories, and insights from my life in Sweden—had vanished. While the initial shock left me feeling a void, I’ve come to see this as a chance to start afresh, to explore new horizons both literally and creatively.

Now, at 52, I find myself at a pivotal moment. It’s been a month since this new phase of my life quietly began, and I’m feeling optimistic about what’s ahead. It’s a time for introspection, for asking myself not just where I’m going, but how I want to shape the journey ahead.

Looking out at the possibilities that lie before me, I’m drawn to the warmth and vibrancy of Brazil, my homeland, which I’ve missed amid the long Swedish winters. It’s not just the place itself but the warmth of its culture, its colors, and its spirit that call to me.

With my children nearly grown and ready to embark on their own adventures, I feel a newfound sense of freedom. This freedom has reignited my passion for two things close to my heart: painting and cooking. While my primary focus will be on painting, I won’t let my culinary explorations fall by the wayside. I’ll share my cooking discoveries as they come, but my main commitment is to rekindle my love for painting.

So, here’s my plan: starting from tomorrow, 18 March 2024, I aim to dedicate more time to painting. The idea of creating a painting every day is ambitious, and truthfully, it might be too much of a stretch. Instead, I’ll focus on painting more than I have been, using both traditional and digital mediums. This approach allows me the freedom to experiment, to find what resonates with me, and perhaps, to select the pieces that truly speak to me for further development.

This blog will be my space to share this journey with you. It won’t be a daily diary, but rather a collection of moments, discoveries, and creations. From the canvas to the kitchen, I look forward to sharing these experiences with you, my readers.

Your company on this journey means the world to me. While I navigate this new chapter, your curiosity and engagement will be the light guiding my path. Let’s embark on this adventure together, keeping our minds open and our spirits ready for whatever comes our way.


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